Raising Support

Suggestions for Raising Support for Short Term Mission Trips
Participating in a short-term mission trip is a opportunity that will not only be a personal life-changing experience, but will also touch the lives of many others including fellow team members, your families back home, and those in the field being served. Although we will be having fun we will not be on vacation. The first and most important preparation for embarking on a mission trip is to make sure that your heart is right with God by spending a lot of time with Him in prayer. The second step in preparation is to get confirmation from believer friends and family that this is where God wants you to serve.

Some practical tips on earning funding to support your short-term mission trip that have worked for others in the past are given below. Remember, you will not just be asking people to give you money; through their financial support you will be asking them to share in a ministry opportunity that will change lives: yours, theirs, and the lives of the children and adults in Uganda.

Tips for fund-raising:

• Remember that you will be going to glorify Christ
• Be excited about what you will be doing; excitement is contagious
• Ask for prayer support; prayer support is a key essential for mission trips
• Write a letter from your heart.

Some things to consider about why you are going to Uganda when writing your letter are:

To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
To hold medical clinics in the slums and various orphanages of Kampala
To conduct Vacation Bible School sessions in several locations
To help and work at New Creation Centre and New Creation Family Home
To visit and help at several orphanages and hospitals
To worship at local churches
Include the dates of your trip
Include the amount of funding that you need to raise which can be either cash or checks
Checks are payable to LOVING ONE BY ONE, a Non-Profit 501 (c) (3)
Give a reasonable time frame as to when you need to have all of your support funding (three months prior to the trip date)

• Remember the key points of your letter so that you can highlight these when giving a verbal testimony on why you need financial support

• Host a lunch or dinner party at your home or a local restaurant inviting people to come to hear about your planned trip and your need for financial support (some restaurants are willing to donate back to you a percentage of the bill – check with restaurants for details ahead of time)

• Remember that every little bit of funding support helps

• Remember that most of your support will come from your close friends and family

• Keep your letter to one page maximum. If you need to have a second page, refer to the second page on the first page and include on the second page the information on how/where to send checks and the supporter’s information shown below.
• Include with your letter a postage paid, pre-addressed envelope back to you as this makes the process easier for your supporter.

• When you receive support record for your own records the amount and the name of the sponsor

• Immediately write a thank you note to the giver

• Include the following information at the bottom of your letter


Please fill out the below information and return to me the enclosed pre-addressed/stamped envelope.


______________I am able to support you financially with the enclosed donationof $______________

______________I will also lift you up in prayer as you prepare and travel on your mission trip

______________I am unable to financially support you at this time but I will pray for your ministry.


